Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Sunday said that with 500 giant national flags hoisted all over the city, Delhi has now become a ‘City of Tirangas’ with the tallest flags.
Speaking at an event on the eve of Independence Day, Kejriwal said, “We have installed 500 high-mast national flags across Delhi so that people can see the tricolour everywhere they go.”
“This is the time to remember all those martyrs whose sacrifice gave us Independence. This is the time to remember their dreams, and try to understand what kind of an India they envisioned,” Kejriwal said.
Talking about the 75 years since Independence, Kejriwal said despite having the smartest and most hardworking people in the world, India is still lagging behind.
“We made good progress in the past 75 years, but in these 75 years many nations surpassed India,” he said.
Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, who was also present at the event, said: “On Independence Day, all Indians must pledge to devote themselves in principle and practice to lift the pride and honour of the ‘Tiranga’.
“Today we have to resolve to work towards making India the strongest and most powerful nation in the world.”