The Bihar Police team that went to interrogate Ankita Lokhande in the Sushant Singh Rajput case had a plush ride in store while leaving the residence of the actress. They got to return in her luxury Jaguar car.
It so happened that the police team was based at a location in Mumbai that was around three kilometres from Ankita’s residence in Malad, according to a report. Owing to the Covid pandemic, there were practically no cabs and autorickshaws available on the roads and, the website added, the Bihar Police team had not received any vehicular assistance from Mumbai Police.
The report added that the Bihar police personnel therefore had to walk three kilometres to Ankita’s residence. The interrogation lasted for about an hour, following which the actress offered her Jaguar to the cops, so that they did not have to walk back the long distance.
Sources said the police team had around 30 questions for Ankita. Details of what she said are yet to be revealed.