Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, while remembering his student life, on Friday said that all the boys used to wait to see the girls every time any visited the campus.
“When I was studying in Engineering College Patna, there were only male students studying there. Whenever a girl of a family came to the campus, the entire students went there to see her. There was no co-education at that time,” he said while addressing students and teachers on the occasion of Education Day ceremony in Sri Krishna Memorial Hall at East Gandhi Maidan.
“When I became the Chief Minister of the state, I promoted girls students with various schemes to empower them. Our special focus is on female students and a number of them are studying in engineering colleges now,” he added.
Nitish Kumar also pointed out that the students are using excessive mobile phones in daily life.
“Actually excessive use of mobile phones does not allow the development of the mind of any person. It can be used only as per the need. Instead of using excessive mobile phones, I suggest students and others interact with the people around you. It helps you develop the mind and body better than the use of mobile phones,” he advised.
Nitish Kumar said that his government was also offering large numbers of jobs in the education sector, and the maximum budget of the state is being used in this sector.
“We will provide more jobs in the coming days. I also directed the Education Minister and officials to throw out those teachers who are not taking classes properly. If they would not educate students in proper manner, what is the need of them?” he said.