Two Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists residing in Hyderabad were arrested on Wednesday in connection with the blast at the Darbhanga railway station in Bihar earlier this month, a spokesperson of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) said.
Hyderabad: Imran Malik alias Imran Khan and his brother Mohammad Nasir Khan were part of a conspiracy hatched by top operatives of the proscribed terrorist organisation LeT to execute terror acts across India, the spokesperson said.
He said the duo were arrested from Hyderabad where they have been residing.
Originally hailing from Shamli district of Uttar Pradesh, the accused were zeroed in on after the NIA took over the investigation into the explosion in a parcel on platform number one of Darbhanga railway station on June 17.
The investigation revealed that the parcel was booked at Secunderabad and had arrived at the site in Secunderabad-Darbhanga Express.
”After the visit of the scene of crime and development of key inputs by the investigation team of NIA, preliminary investigation and examination of the accused persons has revealed a trans-national conspiracy hatched by top operatives of LeT to execute terror acts across India and cause large scale damage to life and property,” the spokesperson said.
Acting under the directions of Pakistan-based handlers of LeT, the arrested accused fabricated an incendiary improvised explosive device (IED) and packed it in a parcel of cloth and put it in the train, he said.
He said this was aimed at causing explosion and fire in a running passenger train resulting in huge loss of lives and property.
“Nasir Khan had visited Pakistan in the year 2012 and had received training from handlers of LeT in fabrication of IED from locally available chemicals. He along with his brother Imran was in touch with Pakistan-based handlers of LeT over encrypted communication platforms,” the spokesperson said.
He said the arrested accused will be produced before a special NIA court in Patna.
”Detailed examination of the accused and investigation continues to unearth the larger conspiracy,” the spokesperson said.