Ektaa R Kapoor and Anurag Kashyap’s highly anticipated new-age thriller Dobaaraa premiered at the London Film Festival 2022 yesterday. The director-actor duo presented the film at the opening night Gala of #LIFF2022 on 23rd June, 6 PM. The film was well-received and appreciated by the audiences. Taapsee Pannu, Anurag Kashyap, and Pavail Gulati among many others attended the world premiere of their film.
Dobaaraa is a new-age thriller that reunites Taapsee and Anurag for the third time. With Dobaaraa, the hit Jodi of Taapsee & Pavail Gulati will be seen again after the stupendous success of Thappad.
Before screening the film at #LIFF2022, Tapsee Pannu had expressed her nervousness and excitement. The actress had mentioned “ Well, I didn’t think that this is going to get an international platform for the first-ever screening of the film. I am looking forward to seeing the audience’s reaction. It’s going to be honestly nerve-wracking as it’s the first time an open audience is going to watch the film. I am excited but I am also equally nervous now. But, London, yes, that makes everything feel a little better”.
Starring award-winning actress Taapsee Pannu, the film is directed by the acclaimed director Anurag Kashyap and produced by Shobha Kapoor & Ektaa R Kapoor (Cult Movies, a new wing under Balaji Telefilms) and Sunir Kheterpal & Gaurav Bose (Athena).
Dobaaraa is the first film under Balaji Motion Pictures new wing, Cult Movies, which tells compelling, edgy & genre-bending stories. Watch Dobaaraa on 19th August, 2022 at the cinemas near you.