Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia met Delhi Lt. Governor V.K. Saxena on Friday, seeking the continuation of ‘Dilli ki Yogshala’ programme.
“I have humbly requested the L-G to not halt the yoga classes, as most of the 17,000 people doing yoga are affected by post Covid ailments, and it is the responsibility of the government to keep them healthy. The L-G has told me that he will peruse the file and has assured me that nothing will go wrong,” the Deputy Chief Minister said after the meeting.
Sisodia said: “I have spoken with the L-G in detail as to how well the ‘Dilli ki Yogshala’ initiative is being undertaken across Delhi, and how it shall prove to be really beneficial for our citizens. At least 17,000 common citizens of Delhi, who do not have the financial capacity to hire a yoga instructor and cannot even imagine that they will be able to do the same, are being provided access to fully trained yoga instructors — who go to various parks in the citizens’ vicinities and guide their yoga classes daily.”
Sisodia alleged that BJP has hatched a conspiracy to stop the initiative by threatening and intimidating the government officials, and by doing this, they have ensured that the officials draft the files incorrectly.
“I have requested the L-G saying that political differences have their own time and place, but out of the 17,000 people doing yoga daily, most are citizens who are affected by post Covid ailments. It is the responsibility of the government to keep them healthy. It is a very onerous situation that the Chief Minister of Delhi provides yoga instructors to the people of Delhi to do yoga and then the officers are stopped from running the scheme by intimidation,” Deputy CM said.
Sisodia further alleged that BJP has absolutely no concern for either the people or yoga. BJP is stopping the initiative because CM Arvind Kejriwal has started it.
The Delhi government had last year launched the ‘Dilli Ki Yogshala’ programme under which yoga instructor teaches free of cost to the residents of Delhi.
Trained instructors teach people yoga in the programme.