Not a single day goes by when Shraddha Kapoor’s social media handle doesn’t serve us looks. The actress, who is probably the highest followed celebrity on social media with a following of 72.4 M people, has certainly garnered attention nationwide.
Today, the actress took to her social media account and shared pictures from her latest photoshoot. The actress looked elegant in the baby pink dress. Her lace bralette made her look even more attractive. With open hair, bare nude makeup, and subtle jewelry, the actress looks like a vision. In the caption, Shraddha wrote “Why think? Just Pink!💗”
The actress wore a Stella Mc Cartney’s dress, as she launched a jewellery store in Bangalore. Time and again, Shraddha is spotted wearing her dresses. Just like the actress, Mc Cartney is also a vocal supporter of animal rights and it implicates in her work.
Shraddha Kapoor is currently working on her next project – an untitled film directed by Luv Ranjan in which she will share screen space with Ranbir Kapoor.