Tragedy struck the case surrounding the shooting incident outside Salman Khan’s home on April 14, as Anuj Thapan, the man accused of providing the firearm used in the incident, died after an alleged suicide attempt while in custody at the crime branch lockup in the police commissioner’s office in Mumbai.
The incident has shocked many, raising questions about the circumstances leading to Thapan’s death and the implications for the ongoing investigation. Thapan’s role in the case was crucial, as he was believed to have supplied the weapon used in the shooting, which resulted in injuries to individuals outside Khan’s residence.
Details surrounding Thapan’s alleged suicide attempt and subsequent death are still emerging, with authorities yet to provide a comprehensive account of the events. The incident has prompted speculation and concern, with many calling for a thorough investigation to uncover the truth behind Thapan’s death.
Two others, Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal who allegedly fired the shots, are also in police custody. Both were seen on CCTV leaving the area on a motorcycle on the night the incident happened.
Since November 2022, Salman Khan’s security level has been elevated to Y-Plus due to threats from Lawrence Bishnoi and another gangster, Goldy Brar. The actor is allowed to carry a personal firearm and drives an armoured vehicle.