Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is recovering well after being stabbed at his Bandra residence in Mumbai on the morning of January 16. The incident left the actor with serious injuries, but he is now reported to be out of danger following successful surgery to remove a 2.5-inch blade.
Khan’s sister, actress Soha Ali Khan, reassured the public during a recent event, stating, “We are happy that he is recovering well and we are very thankful and we feel very blessed and grateful that it wasn’t any worse. Thank you for all your wishes.” Saif has since been moved from the ICU to a normal room and remains under close medical supervision.
The attack, which shocked both fans and the Bollywood community, was swiftly investigated by the Mumbai Police. On Sunday morning, the police confirmed that the alleged attacker is an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh. Various investigative teams were formed to look into the crime, and a case has been filed under multiple sections of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS), including those related to grievous bodily harm and attempted murder.
While the details surrounding the motive of the attack remain unclear, the swift response from the police and successful medical intervention have brought some relief. Saif Ali Khan’s fans and well-wishers have been sending an outpouring of support since the incident. As the actor continues to recover, the focus now shifts to ensuring justice and understanding the circumstances that led to this shocking attack.