Ritika Jatin Ahuja, COO of the renowned luxury automobile dealership is a powerhouse of leadership and efficiency. She leads the merchandise & marketing section at Big Boy Toyz, one of Asia’s largest super exotic car destinations.
But reaching this pedestal was not a walk in the park and here’s why. Ritika who was awarded Most Influential Leader of the 2018 , says, ” The world is surely evolving and businesses are looking much more balanced in the aspects of gender these days but there are still some places where you won’t find as many women as you would men and the automobile industry is one of them. Having reached such a high position in a highly male centered environment has been tough and it’s time to break that glass wall that separates men and women centered businesses.”
Here are reasons that have pushed the number of men higher than women in the Automobile sector:
Women aren't presented with the same opportunities to gain the required skills for building up talent for technical or advancement positions.
They are usually given assignments that enable talent to learn various aspects of the company and industry, and to manage a budget or do forecasting
- Culture and expectations
Women in general are not given the chance to express their interest in certain fields which are automatically thought to attract male attention. While hiring or promoting, this prejudice veils leaders’ judgment and often sends males up the ladder. - Women seen as unstable employees
To curb the efforts that a company would have to put in to take a woman as a leader, maternity leaves, sick leaves, or even domestic responsibility are seen as burdens to corporations.