Rajasthan Chief Secretary Usha Sharma on Monday said that the state government is committed to save the people of the state, especially the youth, from drug abuse and an Anti-Narcotics Task Force (ANTF) would be formed soon for this purpose.
Presiding over the 4th state-level NACORD (Narco Coordination) meeting organised by the Narcotics Control Bureau, at the Secretariat, she also directed the Home Department to prepare a state level awareness strategy soon to bring awareness about drugs.
She also sought effective steps be taken to control the increasing addiction to medicinal drugs among youths and said that under the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, an anti-drug addiction pledge should be administered in the programmes organized for school children from August 12 to 15. This oath should be made a part of the proposed Rural Olympics, set to be organised in the state from August end, in which a big number of youth will participate.
In the meeting, NCB’s Deputy Director General, North Region, Dnyaneshwar Singh made a presentation, through video conferencing, on the role of the state in drug control.
Additional Chief Secretary, Home, Abhay Kumar was present in the meeting.