Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma on Friday announced the launch of a special campaign to address black spots on roads in an effort to reduce accidents across the state.
He emphasised the urgent identification and repair of accident-prone areas to minimise the loss of life and property due to vehicle collisions.
The Chief Minister instructed the Public Works Department (PWD) to prioritise quality in all repair works during the campaign and ensure their timely completion. He highlighted that the state is investing approximately Rs 2,350 crore to improve black spots and enhance road safety.
Strict action will be taken against those failing to adhere to prescribed standards in road construction and repair, the Chief Minister warned.
As per updates, the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has identified 40 black spots in the state, with improvements underway at a cost of Rs 812.64 crore. Out of these, 13 spots have already been repaired, and work on the remaining spots is in progress.
NHAI is set to commence repairs on an additional 37 black spots, with an estimated cost of Rs 821.51 crore.
Collaborating with the PWD, work is ongoing to address 176 black spots across national highways at a cost of approximately Rs 650 crore.
The PWD plans to complete repairs on 117 identified black spots by March 31, 2025. The Rajasthan State Highway Authority is improving 30 black spots at a cost of Rs 21.72 crore, with completion targeted for January 2025. Additionally, safety improvements are being carried out on four key roads at a cost of Rs 20.34 crore.
This campaign underscores the state government’s commitment to enhancing road safety and reducing accidents through comprehensive and coordinated efforts, said officials.