Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi’s brother Manohar Singh Bassi on Sunday announced that he will be contesting as an independent candidate from Bassi Pathana assembly seat in the upcoming polls after Congress did not give him a ticket.
The Chief Minister’s rebellious remarks came after the party has fielded MLA Gurpreet Singh GP from the seat.
“I was a contender for the Bassi Pathana seat, but the party (Congress) has denied a ticket. I will contest the election as an independent candidate. I did the same in 2007 and won the election,” Manohar Singh Bassi said. Bassi called the party’s decision an injustice to him and the people of the constituency.
Dr Manohar Singh Bassi resigned from the post of Senior Medical Officer at Kharar Civil Hospital, Mohali in August 2021. Bassi Pathan assembly constituency is reserved for the SC category. Channi’s brother claims that he was posted at Nandpur Kalaur Primary Health Center during COVID-19 and he did a lot of work in the area, but the MLA GP transferred him from there.