Filmmaker and historian Chandraprakash Dwivedi, who is gearing up for the release of the upcoming film ‘Prithviraj’ starring Akshay Kumar, says that he lived with this story for 18 years before deciding to make it into a big screen entertainer with Yash Raj Films’ head honcho Aditya Chopra.
Dwivedi said: “‘Prithviraj’ is my dream project. It’s a script that I have nurtured for a long, long time because of the extensive research work that was needed before I even attempted to make a film on this mighty and legendary king.
“To be precise, Prithviraj’s final research took about six months for me to be fully satisfied that every single fact was checked multiple times.”
He adds, “I read many books on his life to ensure that we are doing justice to Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan in our film. Today, I’m deeply satisfied as a writer and filmmaker that I took this time before I could realise my dream. There is no Samrat like ‘Prithviraj’ in our history and I hope our film is a fitting tribute to his valour and magnanimous way of life.”
‘Prithviraj’ is based on the life and valour of the fearless and mighty king Prithviraj Chauhan. Akshay is essaying the role of the legendary warrior who fought valiantly against the merciless invader Muhammad Ghori.