The poster of the romantic music video “Mere Saath Chalo” starring Shreya Kulkarni and Qaseem Haider Qaseem has been out, which is being widely liked on social media. Celebrities like Vindu Dara Singh, Kriti Verma, Ali Quli Mirza, Dinesh Soi have poured in their best wishes for the song. In the poster, Shreya Kulkarni and Qaseem Haider Qaseem are seen lost in each other’s love.
This single is going to release soon. Presented by BB Entertainment Mere Saath Chalo is a pyar bhara soft melodious song which has been shot in a very filmy style. This song is sung by Abhijeeta Chauhan and Amit Sharma. The music is composed by Prashant Singh while the lyrics have been penned by Qaseem Haider Qaseem. Mixed and mastered by Siddhesh Kulkarni. The video is directed by Naushad Ahmed who has also prepared its beautiful story. The song was recorded at Playhead Studios.
Let us tell you that model and actor Qaseem Haider Qaseem has also been awarded with Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films. Let us inform that Qaseem Haider Qaseem, a resident of Jogipura, Najibabad, has shown the magic of his acting in a film and many music videos. He is very excited about his next song Mere Saath Chalo. Soon this song will be available to the listeners and the audience.