Three days after passengers at the Patna railway station were surprised when the TV screens installed on the platforms reportedly played pornographic content for almost three minutes instead of the usual advertisements, a team of General Railway Police (GRP) went to Kolkata from Patna on Wednesday to investigate the incident.
The team will quiz the officials of Dutta Communications, the company assigned to play advertisements and information on the television screens of the Patna railway station. The office and studio of Dutta Communications are located in Kolkata.
After the incident on Sunday, the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) of Danapur division terminated the contract of Dutta Communication and placed it on the black list.
The railway authorities have registered two FIRs against the company officials under the IT Act in Patna.
The porn clip was telecast on dozens of LED screens on Platform No. 10 on March 19 for almost three minutes, leading to passengers waiting for trains facing an awkward and embarrassing situation.