With less than two days left for the inauguration of the new Parliament building, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday shared a video of the four-storey building, saying that the new Parliament House will make every Indian proud.
PM Modi gave a glimpse of the new Parliament House through a video, which he will inaugurate on May 28, with a “special request”.
“The new Parliament building will make every Indian proud. This video offers a glimpse of this iconic building. I have a special request- share this video with your own voice-over, which conveys your thoughts. I will Tweet some of them. Don’t forget to use #MyParliamentMyPride,” Modi said in a tweet attaching the video of the new Parliament House.
He also urged the people to re-share the video with their own voice-over which conveys their thoughts about the new structure that will replace the iconic circular building. He also asked the citizens to use #MyParliamentMyPride while posting the videos.