Debutant actress Paloma Dhillon, who plays the female lead in the film ‘Dono’, has gone Behind-The-Scenes of the film and said that for the movie’s track ‘Aag Lagdi’ she had to improvise at the last minute.
Talking about the shooting of the song, the actress said: “During ‘Agg Lagdi’ our choreographer Vijay Ganguly and our director Avnish said all they wanted for me is to really enjoy the song and steps so Vijay sir said I can just have fun, it was a last minute improvisation we did in the van and it turned out so organically on set.”
During the promotions for ‘Dono’, Paloma detailed her whole experience and opened up about some of the challenges she faced on-set.
Detailing her experience, she added: “Although you’re doing scenes where you’re bearing the weight of heavy jewellery, shooting in the scorching heat, walking on pebbles, or working long hours outdoors with crowds all around with an audience keenly watching you, what truly matters is the work.”
The actress said: “It’s about showing up, doing what you’re supposed to do, and bringing your absolute best to the table. When you’re on set, it’s the passion for your craft that drives you, and it doesn’t matter between action and cut.”
The trailer, which set the ball rolling for the wedding season, had featured Paloma donning some exquisite wedding attire as well as offering a glimpse of her wedding wardrobe style.
‘Dono’ will mark the debut of Paloma as an actress where she will share the big screen with Rajveer Deol.
Also marking the debut of director Avnish S Barjatya, ‘Dono’ is slated to hit theatres on October 5, 2023.