Bollywood actress Nushrratt Bharuccha, who is currently busy with the shoot of her horror film ‘Chhorii 2’, shared the progress of the shoot and updated her followers about the same through her social media on Thursday.
Taking to the story section of her Instagram, the actress shared a picture from the sets of the film in which she can be seen showing her wounds. She wrote on the picture, “And the cuts and bruises have begun!! #Chhorii2”
Reacting to it, her director Vishal Furia responded while sharing it on his social media. He wrote, “Wounds of Bravery for this Bigger Adventure. This is why we love you. (heart emojis) #Chhorii2”
Meanwhile, on the work front, Nushrratt has an interesting line up of films like ‘Chhorii 2’, ‘Selfiee’ alongside Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi. She also has ‘Akelli’ in the pipeline, in which she again plays a solo lead.