Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Saturday criticised the state Chief Secretary Amir Subhani for vacant posts of members in the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC).
An event was held in Patna to celebrate the 75th anniversary of BPSC where Kumar was the chief guest.
He has also directed the Chief Secretary to sit with his Principal Secretary Deepak Kumar and resolve the problem.
“You have given speech and work which is all right but we are expecting more from you. Why the posts are vacant in BPSC and why you have not taken steps to fill it. Please sit with the principal secretary of CMO Deepak Ji and sort the issue,” the Chief Minister said.
BPSC has six members in the selection committee and three of the posts are vacant now.
The Chief Minister has also asked the officials to keep an eye on those candidates whose marks in the Mains examination are high and are getting low marks in the interview.
“It has been 75 years of BPSC and we want to expand its reach more. We also want that all the work related to it would go in a smooth possible manner. If anything needs improvement, inform us, we will address the issues immediately. We have given responsibility to senior (Retd) IAS officers for the smooth functioning of BPSC,” Kumar said.