The Supreme Court on Thursday cancelled the All India Quota Mop-Up round counselling for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Postgraduate (NEET-PG 2021-22 admissions in order to resolve the anomalies over 146 seats.
A bench headed by Justice DY Chandrachud directed to conduct a special round of counselling for 146 fresh seats and allowed the students, who have joined the All India Quota (AIQ) or the State Quota in Round 2 to participate in this round.
The top court also directed the Director-General of Health Services (DGHS) to invite options from students within 24 hours of issuing the fresh notification and complete the process within 72 hours after the cut off time for the options.
The Court was hearing various petitions filed by doctors seeking to participate in the mop-up round of NEET-PG 2021-22 counselling.
One of the petitions has challenged Medical Counselling Committee’s March 16 advisory which bars participation in the mop-up round counselling for NEET PG Admissions if the candidate has already picked up seats in the State quota.