Actress and former ‘Bigg Boss Tamil’ contestant Sanam Shetty, who considers her upcoming film – director Arjunan Ekalaivan’s revenge thriller ‘Oomai Sennaai’ – to be special, says she is delighted she chose to be a part of the film.
Sanam Shetty said, “The film is special for two reasons. This will be my first release after my ‘Bigg Boss’ journey. The other reason why I consider this film special is because of the kind of role that I play in it.”
Disclosing that the role that she played in the film was completely deglam, Sanam says, “I have few dialogues in the film but my performance will be very intense. This is the kind of role that I have been looking for, for many years and I got lucky with ‘Oomai Sennaai’.
“I have director Arjunan Ekalaivan to thank for it because usually, until now, I was known to play trendy modern roles. So, for the director to have the confidence that I can play a deglam role and deliver a strong performance is something which makes me very happy and feel lucky.”
The film, which sources say is a revenge thriller, will have Michael Thangadurai, known for his performance in the film ‘Burma’, playing the male lead.
The film has music by Siva and cinematography is by Kalyan Venkatraman.
“Having watched the trailer and the songs, I feel that it was a great choice to have been a part of the film,” Sanam says.