Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Sunday said the state government will take care of food, shelter, and education for children orphaned due to COVID-19 and added a scheme for the same will be announced soon.
“The state government has already taken a decision for the children orphaned due to COVID, but we can not leave those who have been rendered orphan due to some other reasons at any cost. We will soon come up with a scheme which will ensure food, shelter, and education for all orphans,” Chouhan said.
“We will do this with the help of civil society. Some districts are doing a commendable job like Mandsaur collected a sum of money towards this,” he added.
The Chief Minister said his governance is driven by sensitivity and compassion, adding that they are servants of the public.
Last month, the Madhya Pradesh government had announced that children who lost their parents or guardians to COVID will be provided free education and Rs 5,000 monthly pension.