The Uttar Pradesh Police Constable Recruitment Examination concluded on Saturday amid strict security measures, marking the end of a rigorous examination process that began on August 23.
Apart from manpower, authorities also took the help of advanced technology to keep cheaters and solver gangs at bay.
Police and Intelligence agencies kept a close watch on social media and remained alert to ensure the integrity of the exam, especially in light of past allegations of paper leaks.
More than 32 lakh candidates appeared in the exam, conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) over five days in two shifts.
More than 2,300 magistrates and 1,97,859 policemen were deployed to ensure that the candidates did not face any inconvenience.
CCTV cameras equipped with artificial intelligence were installed in 16,440 rooms across 1,174 examination centres. Besides 1,97,859 policemen, 25 companies of PAC and eight companies of CAPF were also deployed at the centres.
Proper arrangements were made for checking, frisking and supervision of the candidates at the examination centre to make the examination transparent and to give entry to the right candidates. Candidates were given entry inside the centres only after physical frisking, frisking by HHMD, biometric fingerprint and facial recognition.
On the successful completion of the recruitment exam, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath congratulated the candidates, district administrations, state police and the UPPRPB.
In a post on social media platform X, the Chief Minister said: “Hearty congratulations to all the candidates for the fair, transparent and peaceful completion of the written examination-2023 conducted for the selection of more than 60,200 posts of constable civil police.”
“May all the energetic and disciplined youth taking part in the exam get the desired results and may everyone have a bright future; infinite good wishes for this!” he said.
“Heartfelt thanks to all the people who helped in conducting the world’s largest civil police recruitment examination successfully and safely, to the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board and the district administration of all the districts,” he added.
Chief Minister Adityanath said more than 15,000 women will be recruited in the selection process of over 60,000 police constables. “The examination was conducted in a fair and smooth manner; this will further enrich the model of security and good governance in Uttar Pradesh,” he added.