Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has appointed his deputy Manish Sisodia as the nodal minister for coordination and management of various flagship projects and schemes of his government.
Deputy Chief Minister Sisodia is also minister in-charge of several important departments such as education, finance, planning, tourism, excise, vigilance and services.
An order recently issued, under the name of Chief Minister Kejriwal, by the general administration department said that Sisodia will be responsible for inter-ministerial coordination of all the ”salient” projects and schemes of the Delhi government.
”Manish Sisodia, Deputy Chief Minister of Government of National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi, shall function as nodal minister for coordination and management of the salient projects and coordination of Government of NCT of Delhi as referred from time to time. He shall be responsible for inter-ministerial coordination of such projects and schemes,” stated the order.
In April, Sisodia was appointed as the nodal minister of the Kejriwal government for COVID-19 management in Delhi, during the second wave of the pandemic.
The AAP government is working on implementation of various critical projects and schemes, including procurement of electric buses, redesigning of all PWD roads in European standards, a health information management system, setting up a world class sports university, and switching over from manufacturing to services and hi-tech industries in the city’s industrial estates.