Actress Manasi Joshi Roy, who is gearing up for her upcoming fiction show ‘Kyunki… Saas Maa, Bahu Beti Hoti Hai’, has shared that her mother-in-law’s saree and jewellery which she wore at her auditions, proved to be a lucky charm for her as she bagged the role after the successful audition.
The show takes viewers to Gujarat where amidst a vibrant Navratri celebration, a storm begins to brew within the Rajgaur family of Surat when the youngest bahu – Hetal (Dolphin Dubey) seeks separation, challenging the traditional role of a bahu. This unexpected turn of events leaves Ambika (Manasi Joshi Roy), the eldest bahu and the matriarch of the Rajgaur dynasty devastated as it has been her top-most priority to keep the family together.
With an intense desire to disprove her sister-in-law Hetal’s belief that ‘Saas kabhi maa, aur Bahu kabhi beti nahi ban sakti’, Ambika, in a landmark decision, adopts little Kesar (Navika Kotia), a baby left at the doorstep of their family orphanage and vows to raise her – not as a beti but as a bahu.
Manasi who shares a great bond with her mother-in-law, decided to wear her mother-in-law’s saree and jewellery for the audition. The ensemble not only made a powerful impression in front of everyone but also helped in boosting her confidence while giving the audition and bagging the role.
Manasi said: “I have a wonderful relationship with my mother-in-law way before I got married because I dated Rohit for almost 7 years. She has always been my friend & confidante. Also my go-to person for whenever I need to wear a saree. I know I can dip into her wardrobe since our fashion sense is quite similar, and I find her collection incredibly elegant.”
“In fact, when I auditioned for the role of Ambika, I decided to wear one of her sarees and some of her jewellery to give the character an authentic look. The look turned out to be so good that it made me more confident than I was. It definitely worked like a good luck charm for me, and I will always be grateful for that,” she added.
‘Kyunki… Saas Maa, Bahu Beti Hoti Hai’ is all set to premiere from September 18 on Zee TV.