West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said a BJP fact-finding panel’s report on Birbhum killings, submitted to party president J P Nadda, will weaken and interfere with the CBI probe into the incident.
Eight people were burnt alive after assailants attacked a group of houses with petrol bombs in Bogtui village near Rampurhat on March 21, while one more succumbed to injuries a week later. The attack is being viewed as a revenge for the murder of local TMC leader Bhadu Sheikh hours earlier.
Lashing out at the saffron party, Banerjee said that the report mentions the name of TMC Birbhum district president Anubrata Mondal, which ”clearly shows the vindictive attitude of the BJP”.
”The BJP report on Bogtui killings will weaken and interfere with the probe. I condemn this attitude of the saffron party,” Banerjee told reporters in the hill town.
She said that there should be no interference from any political party into the investigation.
”When an investigation is on there should not be any interference from any (political) party or any side. Investigation must be free and fair. Party interference at this moment is misuse and abuse of power which may distort the probe and people will lose their confidence in the investigation,” she said. Her party colleagues while promising cooperation with the CBI which has been entrusted with the probe into the killings by Calcutta High Court had also warned of mass agitations if the BJP tries to influence the probe by the central agency.
”They have mentioned my district president’s name. This is biased and vindictive attitude. Without completion of probe, how can they name him? It shows they want him to get arrested. This is personal vendetta. They are hatching a conspiracy,” she said.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is probing the case as per Calcutta High Court’s order. An SIT formed by the West Bengal government was earlier investigating the case.