Bollywood’s fashionista, Malaika Arora is set to walk the ramp at the Grand Finale of D’Glance Fashion Week 2022. The actress will turn showstopper for celebrity designer Shravan Kummar who will showcase his collection by the name ‘Weaves Of India’. Organised by Purple Peony Production & Media Pvt Ltd, the event is scheduled to take place at Vivanta New Delhi, Dwarka, on Saturday, 30th April 2022.
The fashion week will have more than 10 designers showcase their collections. The list includes Ashfaque Ahmad, Anjalee & Arjun Kapoor, Joy Mitra, GUTLU by Shikha & Shivam Thakur, Wrickie Angrish, Nikita Nayak and clothing brand Boi Bae, amongst others. Top models will dazzle at the ramp wearing exclusive collections by these renowned designers. The show will be directed by Shakir Shaikh.
Talking about the event, Mr. Ved Kashyap – Founder of Purple Peony Production & Media Pvt. Ltd. said, “This is the first edition of D’Glance Fashion Week and we are happy to associate with top designers and models for the show. I am grateful to Malaika Arora for joining us and taking the event to the next level. We are looking forward to make this fashion week as an annual property and take it pan India. We will love to collaborate with more talents of the industry in the future.”