Kubbra Sait drops the first official trailer for a series titled Shehar Lakhot, directed and co-written by Navdeep Singh, and Devika Bhagat, also starring Priyanshu Painyuli and Chandan Roy Sanyal in the lead.
Sharing the trailer on her social media profile, Kubbra captioned her post, “Lakhot: A city where nightmares come to life #SheharLakhotOnPrime, Nov 30 only on @primevideoin TRAILER OUT NOW. @offroadfilms @nopi @devikabhagat7 @khalilbachooali @priyanshupainyuli @kubbrasait @iamroysanyal @shruthymenon @manurishichadha @kashyapsmixtape @manjiripupala @abhilashthapliyal @chandanroy.7 @sanjayshivv @jollyshruti @vishalvittydp @subash11505 @yasminsethi @yashikakakkar @salam_ansari9 @nayan_bhadra @nathsuvir_ @kar_gour_ @poojakadam nerajrsharma @fahadpathan @saimshaikh @4amworldwide @fwxmedia @primevideoin #Trailer #NewShow #PrimeVideo #SheharLakhot #Love #Gratitude #Joy #Crazy #Ride #OTT #shows #TV #Series #Limited #India #KubbraSait”
An action-packed and edge-filled trailer, the series blends in a lot of dark and bloody elements with a twisted sense of comedy, presenting some very grisly scenarios in a morbidly comical fashion, showcasing its tilt towards the black-comedy style.
As the prodigal son is forced to return to his hometown – the fictional town of Lakhot, he finds himself facing off with his past and gets unintentionally caught in a deadly game, even as the city itself becomes a dangerous battleground for vested interests, each with a hidden agenda.
The series also stars Manu Rishi Chadha, Shruthy Menon, Kashyap Shangari, Chandan Roy, Manjiri Pupala, Shruti Jolly, Gyan Prakash, and Abhilash Thapliyal.
The series is set to premiere exclusively on Prime Video on November 30.