With the T-Series track Dhoke Pyaar Ke, Khushalii Kumar brings out her fashion styling game on the screen and you will be blown away. Khushalii has always been known for her acting talents, but very few people are aware that she is also a fashionista! The actress, who is always on top of her fashion game, took responsibility of dressing herself throughout the song with the best and most distinctive clothes, which she carried off incredibly well . The actress is known for wearing exceptionally beautiful outfits with poise and showing us that there is a certain factor that easily attracts us all towards her.
For her recently released song ‘Dhoke Pyaar Ke‘ she wore different outfits like a Rajasthani pattern ensemble to a yacht outing and casual and chic outfits. She looked every bit the diva during the yacht party in a sequins embellished abhla one-piece backless dress. In this track, Khushalii can be seen sporting an abhla-patterned skirt, blouse, dress, and crochet top. All of these outfits look stunning, and we surely took a moment to admire the beauty.
“Whenever I style, I always think about the personalities I’m portraying so that I can present them properly and effectively through my looks and outfits. That’s when I’m motivated to experiment with my style and think of fresh, original outfit ideas each time. I also enjoy experimenting with new prints, artwork, embroideries, and patterns and believe in giving my all to each of my projects.” says Khushalii.
The song is out on T-Series YouTube Channel.