Actor Kanwar Dhillon, who will be portraying the role of a taxi driver in the upcoming show ‘Udne Ki Aasha’, has opened up on his new avatar, and shared his experience while driving the taxi on the streets of Mumbai.
The taxi is going to play an important role in the love story of Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) and Sailee (Neha Harsora) and will be a cupid for the duo.
Talking about the taxi driving experience, Kanwar shared:”My character Sachin is a taxi driver. I enjoyed driving around on the streets of Mumbai and on the day of the promo shoot, since I enjoy driving anyway. It was great and I am enjoying driving a taxi around Mumbai.”
“I hope the audience will shower love on Sachin as he is coming in this new avatar,” he added.
Set in a Marathi backdrop, ‘Udne Ki Aasha’ will depict a wife’s emotional rollercoaster journey and how she transforms her reluctant husband into a responsible person, which at some level affects the family as a whole.
Produced by Rahul Kumar Tewary, it will soon air on Star Plus from March 12.