The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) which conducted search operations in more than 31 locations including Jammu, Srinagar and Bengaluru in connection with the irregularities in exams for Sub Inspectors in Jammu and Kashmir Police, have recovered a few incriminating documents, officials said on Friday.
Besides, devices, answer-sheets, application forms and OMR files considered to be crucial for further probe into the case have also been seized.
The Jammu and Kashmir Lt. Governor’s administration had cancelled the Sub Inspectors’ recruitment examination that was to be conducted for 1,200 posts of Jammu and Kashmir Police.
After this, the investigation was handed over to the CBI. Now, fresh recruitment exams for 1,200 posts of SI will be held.
A CBI official said “the recovered evidence will nail the guilt of the accused”.
The exams were scheduled for March.
The CBI after getting a complaint in this regard filed a case against 33 accused. The exam paper was allegedly leaked by the accused.
“Karnail Singh of BSF who is a medical officer, Avinash Gupta – owner of tutorial classes, and Narayan Dutt, a the member of Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Borad, and a private firm – Meritrac Private Limited, Bengaluru which conducted exams have been made accused in the FIR,” the CBI said.