Jammu and Kashmir Lt. Governor Manoj Sinha on Sunday launched the QR-code-based labels of 13 different GI and non-GI registered crafts of the union territory.
The Lt. Governor said the QR-code labels will help to authenticate the origin and quality of the crafts, improve the quality assurance in both national and international markets and benefit craftsmen, traders and exporters.
“This is an important landmark in preserving and promoting priceless artistic and cultural heritage of Jammu and Kashmir union territory. QR-code based mechanism would help in ensuring product quality, genuineness and boost global demand for J&K handmade products,” added the Lt. Governor.
Highlighting the need to make necessary interventions for brand positioning, the Lt. Governor said, GI Tag, QR code-based label, packaging etc., will make the handicraft sector more productive, financially attractive and contribute to the growth of the handicraft industry and earnings of artisans.
A live demonstration of QR code scanning of the products was presented on the occasion.