With investments of over Rs 10.44 lakh crore lined up ahead of the Invest Rajasthan Summit to be held here on October 7-8, Rajasthan is poised to take a significant step towards a new era of industrialisation, Shakuntla Rawat, state Minister of Industries and Commerce, said on Saturday.
Addressing the media at the Udyog Bhawan here, Rawat said, “The Invest Rajasthan Summit will be held in Jaipur on October 7 and 8. Approximately 3,000 delegates from diverse sectors and industries will participate in the conclave. The culmination of investment intentions received by Rajasthan will be commemorated at the summit.”
The theme of the conclave is ‘Committed: Delivered’, and the government emphasises on creating sustainable partnerships with foreign and domestic investors, she said.
MoUs and LoIs of Rs 10.44 Lakh crore have been signed under the Invest Rajasthan Campaign, she added.
“To create awareness about the Invest Rajasthan Summit among the public at large, the government is organising an Invest Rajasthan quiz starting September 5. The state government is working on a war footing on the investment intentions that have been received,” said Veenu Gupta, additional chief secretary, government of Rajasthan.
Officials said that the government recently gave clearance to proposals of Avadda Power, O2 Power SG Pte Ltd, Asahi India Glass Ltd, Okaya Energy Storage, Saint Gobain Glass India Pvt Ltd, Varun Beverages, Dimension Promoters Pvt Ltd, Wipro Hydraulics Pvt Ltd etc. with the vision to provide hassle-free clearance.
The summit has drawn interests from local business owners in addition to a number of investors from India and outside.