Indian cricketer Deepak Chahar on Thursday shared a 15-year-old beautiful throwback picture with newly-appointed T20 skipper Rohit Sharma on social media. Interestingly, the throwback photo was also clicked at the same venue where India played the T20I series opener with New Zealand.
Chahar tweeted, “Picture at the same ground after almost 15 years. Me and Rohit Bhiaya we both didn’t have beards that time.” Chahar has also gathered the attention of the Team India fans by sharing a hilarious post. He also expressed his interest in opening the innings with the newly appointed captain in the 1st T20I between New Zealand on Wednesday. The right arm batsman on Wednesday played the first international game in front of his home crowd, in Jaipur, in which India defeated New Zealand by 5 wickets.
The official handle of Mumbai Indians (MI) has also reacted to the picture shared by the CSK pacer on the Facebook-owned platform. “Back into memory lane,” the five-time IPL champions commented.