Data of around three crore travellers registered with the Indian Railways has been hacked and reportedly put on sale on the Dark Web, as per reports.
It has been claimed by the hackers that the Indian Railways data is one of the biggest data ever hacked by anyone.
Earlier, a China-based hacker had hacked the technical systems of of AIIMS, New Delhi. They had, in fact, taken the whole server into their control, but it was later taken back from their possession.
The data of Indian Railway, put on sale on a forum being run by cybercriminals, has user data, and invoices of latest month.
“The hacked data has usernames, emails, mobile numbers, gender, full address, and their language preferences. The data is of users who book tickets from Indian Railway portal,” a source said.
The hacker, who uses the pseudonym ‘Shadohacker’, has also claimed that he has data of government persons having government email IDs and their cell phone numbers.
As of now, the Indian Railways has not made any official comment on the matter.
This is the second time when data of Indian Railway ticket buyers have been hacked, after a similar case in 2020.