Determination is half the success of any work’ This saying fits well with Bollywood actress model Babita Mishra. When he was struggling to save life and run the family expenses, he grew up in Kanpur, from the same M.A. Degree holder Babita Mishra leaves home and family at the time of Kovid, comes to the world of Bollywood to make her mark in Mumbai, and starts work with the desire to do something, without any godfather, she does film acting class for a few months.
After working in Savdhaan India, Crime Patrol, Music Album, Photo Shoot, Modeling and even after traveling in two years, Babita Mishra is now due to her inner acting talent. Babita Mishra, who considers Kangana Ranaut as her favorite actress, says that she has full faith in her work and hard work in the two years that she has got success in Bollywood. They will appear very soon.