Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, on Monday interacted with Mona, a transgender tea seller, who is a beneficiary of Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government’s ‘Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra’ outside Elante Mall.
Hardeep Puri launched Chandigarh BJP’s manifesto on Sunday, where he called upon Chandigarh voters to give their precious vote to BJP’s Chandigarh Lok Sabha candidate, Sanjay Tandon.
Expressing admiration for Mona’s dedication, Puri commended her diligence in managing a thriving tea stall and even savored a cup of freshly brewed tea made by her.
He said Mona’s story is truly inspiring, as despite financial and societal odds, she carved her path as a successful entrepreneur.
Reflecting on the challenges faced by small businesses during the pandemic, the Union Minister highlighted the government’s initiative under PM Modi’s leadership to provide microfinancing to enterprises like tea vendors, initially starting with loans of Rs 10,000, which eventually increased to Rs 20,000 and then Rs 50,000, all interest-free.
Hardeep Puri emphasised the significance of documenting beneficiaries’ data, noting that approximately 55-66 lakh micro-businesses had benefited from these loans.
The Union Minister noted that previously, as these vendors did not have certificates, municipal officials used to take away their carts. Now they have certificates and no longer face such problems.
Hardeep Puri said: “I met a dhaba owner who has been running his dhaba for the last 38 years and a transgender Mona who is selling tea very successfully in Chandigarh’s Industrial Area. They have all been helped because of the microfinance facility.”
He confidently stated: “On June 4, Congress, AAP, and their allies will be wiped out, and BJP will come back with a thumping majority. He said the BJP would win at least six seats in Punjab.”
Chandigarh will go to the polls in its lone seat along with Punjab’s 13 seats on June 1.