Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupender Patel, in his first visit to the national capital after being sworn-in for the second time, on Wednesday called on the President, the Vice President, the Prime Minister, and various Union Ministers.
After meeting the President, Patel tweeted: “Courtesy call to Honourable President of India Mrs. Droupadi Murmuji in New Delhi. Her easy-going personality and high ideals of social harmony are an inspiration to all countrymen”.
He also paid a courtesy call on Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar.
After he met PM Narendra Modi, the CMO Gujarat tweeted that Patel paid a courtesy visit and “received important guidance regarding the development journey of Gujarat”.
He also met Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah.
Patel also met Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who “extended his best wishes for the historic victory in the Gujarat elections and the overall development of the state”, he said in a tweet.
Patel took over as Chief Minister for the second time after leading his party to a landslide victory in the recently-held state election by winning 156 of the 182 seats.