The Election Commission on Friday cautioned BJP’s Tripura East Lok Sabha candidate, Kriti Devi Debbarma, who had called the opposition CPI-M a “party of murderers”.
Tripura East Lok Sabha seat’s Returning Officer Saju Vaheed A., in a memorandum to Debbarma, said that she is “hereby warned to abstain from making such statement in future which violates the Model Code of Conduct, otherwise appropriate action will be taken as per the provision under Model Code of Conduct issued by the Election Commission of India”.
The CPI-M’s Tripura state Secretary Jitendra Choudhury on Tuesday lodged a complaint with Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar in this regard.
Choudhury, also the Leader of Opposition in Tripura, also sent video footage of the speech of Debbarma and other documents along with his complaint to the CEC.
The BJP candidate used the term during her speech at an election rally in northern Tripura’s Fatikroy on Monday.
Debbarma, a member of the erstwhile royal dynasty of Tripura, is the elder sister of Tipra Motha Party supremo and royal scion Pradyot Bikram Manikya Debbarma.