Veteran actor Dharmendra, who was recently seen in the theatrical film ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’, walked down the memory lane as he shared a picture of himself with the legendary actor-filmmaker Raj Kapoor on his 99th birth anniversary.
Taking to X, formerly Twitteer, on Thursday, Dharmendra shared a throwback black and white picture with the late actor.
In the picture, Dharmendra and Raj Kapoor can be seen having a conversation while holding hands. Both of them wore suits as they sat next to each other at an event. Dharmendra wrote in his tweet, “Happy Birthday Raj sahab, we miss you! You will always be remembered with great love and respect.”
Raj Kapoor, who belongs to India’s first film dynasty – the Kapoor family, is considered one of the greatest and most influential actors and filmmakers in the history of Indian cinema.