Delhi on Tuesday reported a rise in its daily Covid cases in last 24 hours, at 400 against 280 reported on previous day, while there was one more death, as per the government health bulletin.
The Covid positivity rate stood at 2.92 per cent while the number of active cases were 1,960, out of which 1,457 patients were being treated in home isolation.
With 381 patients recovering in the last 24 hours, the total number of recoveries has gone to 19,13,170.
The total caseload of the city stands at 19,41,415 while the death toll has reached 26,285.
The number of Covid containment zones is 261.
A total of 13,711 new tests — 8,548 RT-PCR and 5,163 Rapid Antigen – were conducted in the last 24 hours, taking the total to 3,92,43,007 while 26,804 vaccines were administered – 1,555 first doses, 4,609 second doses, and 20,640 precaution doses.
The total number of cumulative beneficiaries vaccinated so far stands at 3,52,77,967, according to the health bulletin.