The national capital Delhi reported 27 fresh cases of Covid-19 on Tuesday, pushing the tally to 14,40,719, according to the latest bulletin issued by the Delhi health department.
However, no Covid related death has been reported in the last eight days in Delhi. The city’s death toll stands at 25,095. The death rate stands at 1.74 per cent in the city.
The Covid infection rate in the national capital has come down to 0.05 per cent. The active case in the city stands at 296 as per the latest health bulletin. With 28 patients recovering in the last 24 hours, the total number of recoveries rose to 14,15,328 so far, the health bulletin said.
A total of 123 Covid patients are being treated in home isolation at present.
With a 98.23 per cent of Covid recovery rate, the active Covid cases rate in Delhi stands at 0.020 per cent.
Meanwhile, a total of 49,590 new tests — 39,341 RT-PCR and 10,249 Rapid Antigen tests – were conducted in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of tests to 3,05,43,347 so far.
The number of containment zones stands at 121 in the city.
Out of 1,09,548 vaccines administered in the last 24 hours, 41,246 were first doses and 68,302 second doses. The total number of cumulative beneficiaries vaccinated so far stands at 2,19,52,068 according to the health bulletin.