Senior BJP leader and former Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said on Wednesday that while the country is determined to repeat the ‘mazboot government’, the Congress is dreaming of “majboor’ (puppet) government.
Naqvi made this remark while addressing an election programme in Khandwa district in poll-bound Madhya Pradesh.
He said that for the first time after Independence, a non-Congress government is successfully completing its two consecutive terms ensuring national security, dignity, stability and good governance, and is moving towards the third term under the dynamic and decisive leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
He claimed that before 2014, the country was engulfed with the terrified environment of terrorist attacks.
“Every 15 days, one or the other part of the country witnessed bomb blasts which claimed many innocent lives. PM Modi adopted a zero tolerance policy against terrorism which broke the backbone of militants and their masterminds,” Naqvi said.
The BJP leader alleged that ‘lust for power’ has always been the mindset of the Congress, for which either a government should be of dynasty (family) or on deputation, which can be remote controlled by the ‘feudal’ family.
“The Modi government’s determination for development with delivery and commitment to national security has become a threat to the feudal monopoly of the family,” he added.
Naqvi said that people of the country still remember how the Congress, during its last regime, had made the Prime Minister’s post a “private property” by high-jacking the dignity of the Constitutional institutions to fulfil its self-interests.
The Cabinet decisions at the Centre and in the Congress-ruled states were subject to the approval of the ‘family’, he said.
Naqvi also claimed that the arithmetic of success of the Modi government, which is out of range of the Congress’ remote control, has spoilt the “mathematics of the depressed and desolated dynasty”.
He said the BJP will contest the Assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh with its report card of good governance, inclusive empowerment and national security.