Pop television show titled ‘Chashni’ centering the unusual sisterly bond is set to drop in on satellite. Opposite to its name, the show, which stars Amandeep Sidhu and Srishti Singh in lead roles, will be filled with a lot of spicy entertainment.
Bringing a big mix of relations on the screens, the show will be based on an unusual and twisted bond between two sisters, Chandni and Roshni.
Amandeep Sidhu, who essays the role of a fire-fighter in ‘Chashni’, spoke about the twisted plot: “Chashni has an unusual plot and I am glad I am part of it as I have got a chance to play a very different character.”
The show will tell the story of two sisters, who then turn out to become saas-bahu.
The actor further said: “I hope the audience loves the concept and showers us with applause and appreciation. I am grateful and blessed to be a part of the show Chashni. I am optimistic about the show. People will love it as the show has a lot of masala.”
The show, which is being produced by Sandiip Sikcand’s Sol Production, will soon be broadcast on Star Plus.