Actor Rani Mukerji on Monday said her latest comedy ”Bunty Aur Babli 2′ will feature a clash between the ”original con-couple”, played by her and Saif Ali Khan and the new title holders, actors Siddhant Chaturvedi and debutante Sharvari.
The film is a sequel to the 2005 Shaad Ali-directed blockbuster, which featured Mukerji and actor Abhishek Bachchan as the titular characters.
In ”Bunty Aur Babli 2”, Bachchan has been replaced by Khan opposite the ”Mardaani” actor.
Mukerji, who plays Vimmi Saluja aka Babli, said the film features two sets of ”extremely intelligent” con-couples.
”They are the best when it comes to wearing disguises because they are the best at conning people with this skill. In this film, they come face to face with each other and it’s a battle to watch out for,” the 43-year-old actor said in a statement.
The trailer of ”Bunty Aur Babli 2”, which released on Monday, features Mukerji and Khan pitted against Chaturvedi and Sharvari, as they show their mastery over disguises to outwit each other and pull off outlandish cons.
Khan, who plays Rakesh Trivedi aka Bunty, said films on con jobs have ”historically” had great disguises and the Varun V Sharma-directorial is a worthy addition to the genre.
”Nowadays we have prosthetics and makeup of a totally different level so people can expect really amazing get-ups and disguises from the cast and doing all that was a lot of fun,” the 51-year-old actor said.
”Gully Boy” star Chaturvedi said the Yash Raj Films-backed project will deliver on the promise of being an high-octane family entertainer.
”I have played so many avatars in just one film! When you do a film like ‘Bunty Aur Babli’, you promise people that they will get to see the lead actors in disguises to pull off elaborate cons and this film will over-deliver in this regard,” he said.
Sharvari said she feels extremely fortunate to get a dream debut in ”Bunty Aur Babli 2”.
You don’t often get projects in which you play so many roles. I was determined to perform each one of them convincingly because the audience needs to be invested in the disguise so that they enjoy the con thoroughly. I had the best time getting into these looks/avatars like a complete shifter and just putting my best foot forward,” she added.
The film also stars Pankaj Tripathi, who was last seen in the social comedy ”Mimi”.
Tripathi, who plays a cop called Jatayu Singh in the upcoming movie, described ”Bunty Aur Babli 2” as ”a supremely funny film”.
”I just loved the character that was offered to me by my director Varun V. Sharma and YRF and I hope I have done justice to the role. I have been looking for a role like this because it gives me the creative freedom to just entertain audiences through comedy,” he said.
The movie is set to be released in theatres worldwide on November 19.