Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari said on Sunday that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has brought the vision to transform the lives of the farmers and turn them into producers of clean, green energy of the future. He was addressing the people in Bijnor during BJP’s ‘Jan Vishwas Yatra’.
“The Bharatiya Janata Party has brought the vision of changing the lives of farmers and have them prepare the energy for our country. I have been saying since 2004 that farmers will be the ‘Urjadatta’ of our country. Our government decided that farmers of rice, maize and wheat will give us the alternate to petrol and diesel. We started work on Bio-ethanol and are opening ethanol pumps. Ethanol will be made out of sugarcane. Vehicles will start running on 100 per cent ethanol instead of 100 per cent petrol. Flex engines will start, which will run on either 100 per cent petrol or ethanol. Now sugarcane farmers will get the right price for their produce,” he said. “We have also given permission to prepare ethanol from rice, 350 factories are being set up for this. One tonne of rice can produce 380 litres of ethanol. Also, the bagasse left after extracting the juice from sugarcane will be used to prepare green hydrogen,” he added.
Gadkari said that the conversion of knowledge into wealth and waste into wealth is the future of the country. Talking of roads and highways development, the minister said that work is going on for Delhi to Meerut highway of 16 lanes and assured the people that upon completion, it will take only 45 minutes hours to reach Meerut from Delhi.
“We will also do the work on helping you reach Haridwar, Chandigarh. Jaipur from Delhi within two hours, Amritsar from Delhi in four hours, Katra from Delhi in six hours and finally Srinagar from Delhi in just eight hours. We are working on Delhi to Dehradun highway too. Upon completion, it will take two hours to travel from Delhi to Dehradun.” he added. The minister remarked that lives in Bijnor will be transformed similarly via roads.
“Roads lead to development. American president John F Kennedy used to say that American roads are not good because they are rich, but rather they are rich because their roads are good,” he added. Gadkari said that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a true ‘Ram Rajya’ has been established and the leadership of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had given a new direction to the state.
“Under the leadership of Yogi Adityanath, we are not only eradicating hooliganism, but also the hunger, unemployment and poverty. These five years were just a trailer. The real film is about to start,” he added. Assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh are due early next year.