Megastar Amitabh Bachchan will be receiving a special gift from ‘KBC 14’ contestant Chandrashekhar Chaurasiya. The 30-year-old hails from Korba in Chhattisgarh. He will give a painting to the host that highlights Chhattisgarh’s art.
Big B and Chandrashekhar will have an interesting conversation about the paintings of Raja Ravi Verma. Then they will discuss various art styles of Chhattisgarh such as Rajwar painting and Paira art. Chandrashekhar would reveal that he learned these styles during the lockdown period.
A government job aspirant, Chandrashekhar will also talk about his grandmother’s admiration for Big B and share an interesting anecdote about her frustration with Chandrashekhar because of the lack of screen time given to Big B in the 2000 movie ‘Mohabbatein’.
Chandrashekhar says: “Mohabbatein was in the theatres and we were going to watch the movie. My grandmother was not going and all of us insisted by saying that it is Amitabh Bachchan’s movie. She was then coerced to come. When we were watching the movie we saw that you had a good amount of screen time at the beginning of the movie but by the end, you did not.”
“Then and there, my Nani started scolding my mausi (aunt) there and then saying, ‘What is this? I cannot see Amit Ji. Why have you brought me here? You said Amit Ji is in the movie but there is so little of him.'” Big B then talks to Chandrashekar’s grandmother virtually.
‘KBC 14’ airs on Sony Entertainment Television.