Amid uproar over the Badlapur sexual assault case, Maharashtra School Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar on Friday announced the suspension of district education officers (DEOs) of Thane and Mumbai over “irregularities”.
Thane DEO Balasaheb Rakshe has been suspended for not immediately informing the Education Department about the sexual assault of two minor girls at a reputed school in Badlapur.
On the other hand, Mumbai DEO Rajesh Kankal has been suspended for delay in the implementation of the state government’s order for the installation of CCTV cameras in the schools run by the BrihanMumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).
Kesarkar made these announcements after he held a marathon review meeting regarding the current safety measures in the schools.
He took the municipal authorities to task for delays or non-installation of CCTVs in municipal schools.
“I have ordered the BMC administration to suspend the education officer and also the Thane education officer,” Kesarkar said, adding that Thane DEO Rakshe had got information about the Badlapur abuse incident on August 16, but he did not communicate that to the Education Department.
“If he had told about this on time, the state government would have taken timely action. His suspension was due to non-compliance,” he added.
Also, two years ago, orders were given to install CCTV cameras in BMC schools but it has not yet been implemented. The reason given is that the tender process is in progress. Therefore, he ordered the suspension of Mumbai DEO Kankal.
“An explanation will be sought from Kankal in this regard. The suspension may be for a maximum period of six months,” said the minister.
Kesarkar warned that private schools should complete the process of installation of CCTVs at the earliest, hinting that in case of failure the subsidy given by the government will be put on hold.
Meanwhile, the minister also announced the establishment of a committee for the safety of students under the chairmanship of Women and Child Development Commissioner Prashant Naranvare.
He directed that the committee should pay attention to the suggestions of NGOs working in sectors related to education and the safety of female students, and suggest more measures.
The minister said that all schools should be attached to the School Education Commissionerate.
“At least one interactive TV should be given to every school for students’ training. The students should be trained to recognise good touch and bad touch,” Kesarkar added.
Women and Child Welfare Minister Aditi Tatkare said the younger students should be trained through animated films, suggesting the subject of good touch and bad touch be included in the curriculum.