Fintech platform BharatPe on Tuesday said that its former co-founder and Managing Director Ashneer Grover exhibited “unruly, intimidating and threatening behaviour” towards the authorised representatives and employees of the company during the recently concluded Annual General Meeting (AGM).
According to a company spokesperson, the AGM was conducted in full compliance of applicable laws and customary procedures on December 31, 2022.
“Ashneer Grover and his wife, Madhuri Jain Grover, joined the AGM with the clear intent to disrupt the proceedings. Throughout the three-hour long meeting, Ashneer exhibited unruly, intimidating and threatening behaviour towards the authorised representatives and employees of BharatPe who were doing their best to fulfil the statutory obligations of the Company,” the company spokesperson said in a statement.
BharatPe said that it is evident that “these are retaliatory and diversionary tactics being resorted by him and are likely a response to the criminal complaint and civil suit filed against him and his family members for various financial improprieties”.
The merchant fintech platform is fighting a case in the Delhi High Court against Grover and his wife, along with family members, alleging a Rs 88.6 crore fraud allegedly committed under their tenure.
Earlier in the day, Fintech platform BharatPe on Tuesday announced that Suhail Sameer will transition from the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to Strategic Advisor, effective from January 7.
Current CFO Nalin Negi has been appointed as an interim CEO to partner with senior executives to strengthen the company’s business, as the Board is actively searching for the new CEO.